Imaging That

Thirty years elapsed between that first grainy image appearing, line by line, on the screen of Digithurst’s Commodore PET and those high-resolution moving images on our mobile phones. Except, innovation is seldom linear; it occurs in short disruptive bursts. We are currently experiencing another technological hiatus, much like the one which followed the introduction of the IBM PC. The high-tech world is killing time, kicking its heels with eye candy like Snapchat and thousands of other throwaway, one-trick, apps. The next leap in semiconductor technology will bring real-time analysis of micro-gestures within our grasp. If so, our relationship with electronic devices and how we use them within networks will change irrevocably. Time, then, to ask whether we actually want devices to interact with us on a subliminal level …

… (An extract from The Ghost in the Labyrinth by Peter Kruger)