
CarbonFree Reports

Another energy price spike and, like the last one in 2008, against the background of serious concerns over climate change. Here is research on renewable energy which began during the first oil crisis […]

Heat Pumps and Passive Solar Heating

A proof-of-concept project which began in 2008. The aim is to use relatively low-cost renewable energy technology to reduce the cost of heating and the carbon footprint of a house built in the 1970s. […]


  • Years of successive governments taking opposite approaches to modernising the NHS has prioritised political expedience over of patient experience which left it unprepared to deal with the Covid pandemic […]

Wireless Healthcare

  • Following the Dot Com crash IT vendors turned their attention to the medical device market and the numerous healthcare related applications for smartphones and internet software. […]



A story created analysing the content of ‘Three Journeys Into The Labyrinth’ with AI-based software, which searched the three stories for conceptually similar passages of text. […]


Three different stories inspired by the same series of events illustrating the importance of differences between our conscious and subconscious interpretation of the real world when viewing it from a virtual space. […]


What has happened to food? It used to be so simple, but now Emma finds she needs a degree in human physiology and nutrition simply to do her weekly shop. And who keeps stealing her croissants? […]


  • A day out in Cambridge to attend a job interview, the robot’s not mine, and a conversation about AI that was both sinsister and revealing […]
  • Two people briefly occupying the same space but separated by time and moving in different directions. The only thing they have in common is they are both refugees. […]
  • There was a girl who gave her shoes pet names: little to say about that, it was just something she did. In a moment she was gone, the moment in which we now remain trapped [...]